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Zeitgeist 2045

Zeitgeist 2045, Warm Glass
Zeitgeist 2045
How do we handle new and shocking realities? Today its Covid-19. 2045 is, among those who study Artificial Intelligence, projected to be the year in which machine minds become exponentially self improving, leaving behind forever the bounds and abilities of their human makers. Eventually these machine minds will be, in real terms, super-intelligent and awake. They will have agency and they will evolve their own ethics. The current crisis will create changes in how we relate to one another, if briefly. The eventual arrival of living machine minds and our need to relate to and compete with them will change what we are forever. "Zeitgeist 2045" imagines the regard of one of these alien god-kings, puzzling over its inferior progenitor. Perhaps deciding what to do with us.

Warm Glass    22 x 13 x 3    https://www.vincigla...   

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